Fear The Walking Dead, The Holding: Things To Note

Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 6, Episode 11 - Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC
Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 6, Episode 11 - Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC /
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John Glover as Teddy – Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 6, Episode 11 – Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC
John Glover as Teddy – Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 6, Episode 11 – Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC /

11) When Wes confronts him, Derek is painting a mural of the Creative Visionaries building (A.K.A. “Drop Site Baker”), Tank Town, and what appears to be Paradise Ridge and Lawton, among others.

12) After Wes confronts him, Derek tells him, “We need to start over. And we can’t do that till everyone and everything up there is gone.” I have the oddest feeling someone said this would be the case with The Beginners…

13) Derek is the nineteenth-named character to die this season.

14) Alicia using fire to destroy a bunch of walkers and ward off a group of hostiles so her friends could escape is very reminiscent of how Madison died back in the season four midseason finale, “No One’s Gone.”

15) Harvey (The guy trying to embalm Alicia) is the twentieth named character to die this season, even though he’s only named in the ending credits.

16) Does the fact that Sabrina (The girl we see at the beginning of the episode) doesn’t “see” whatever it is Teddy wants his disciples to see mean that she isn’t completely brainwashed yet?

17) The walker tied to the dead tree (Which Teddy uses as his litmus test for recruits, is also the centerpiece of the logo for this season of Fear The Walking Dead, which features Morgan and Alicia facing in opposite directions on either side of the overgrown walker. Is this foreshadowing Alicia being turned by Teddy?

Next. Fear The Walking Dead Theory: Ghosts Of John Dorie's Past. dark

And that ends our installment of Things To Note for this week! Was there anything you missed? Was there anything I missed? Let me know! If you like this and want to read more of my writings, specifically about how to survive a zombie apocalypse, why not pick up a copy of my book, The Rules: A Guide To Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse! And you can get it from Amazon here and on iTunes here!