Last week’s episode of Fear The Walking Dead was…strange. Nearly half of the episode was spent inside of a dream in Grace’s head, but, to her, it was more like traveling forward through time, seeing where everyone at the dam would be sixteen years into the future. There, she met a young lady who she would discover was her daughter, Athena, who helped guide her through this bizarre dreamscape in the hopes of helping her mother wake up in time to ensure that the future would come to pass.
Like I said: It was strange.
Of course, as we would learn, it was not to be: While Grace, despite what her premonition predicted, survived giving birth to her daughter, Athena…did not, dying before even having a chance. Even for a Walking Dead show, it was a severely bleak ending.
What clues were hidden inside Grace’s dream in last week’s episode of Fear The Walking Dead? Find out in the latest Things To Note!
These events, however, were also, obviously, the crux of this episode; the only way to miss them was to have not been watching in the first place! While they’re important, the obvious stuff isn’t exactly what we’re here for. What we’re here for are the things that you might overlook: The trivia, hints, clues, and references that you might not even notice. I love to find all of these things and amass them all here for you, so you don’t have to go looking!
Are you ready? It’s time for this week’s installment of Fear The Walking Dead: Things To Note!