I loved this week’s episode of Fear The Walking Dead, for two reasons: 1) I love having one of my theories confirmed. I haven’t had confirmation on this scale in a while, so I’m extremely excited about this one.
And 2) We got to meet John Dorie’s dad, John Sr., who, as I suspected, had been investigating Teddy Maddox way back in the 1970s, and has never given up on trying to bring him and his cult of twisted devotees down, using all his skills as a detective to try to know as much as he can about his nihilistic nemesis.
Whether you’re facing zombies in the apocalypse or cultist weirdos (Like in Fear The Walking Dead), the more you know about them, the better off you’ll be.
Upon meeting her father-in-law, June learned that, ever since the outbreak began, John Dorie Sr. has been scouring Texas and Oklahoma following the trail of The Beginners. He has been trying to find a way to bring them, and their leader, down, using everything he’s learned about them in his over forty years of investigation.
Because of this, I’ve decided that, for this week’s Fear The Walking Dead, Survival Rule Of The Week, we’re going to discuss how important knowing your enemy can be to surviving a zombie apocalypse, whether that enemy is alive or dead. We’ll discuss what to look for in your enemies, and how to look for it. The more prepared you are for confrontations in the apocalypse, the more likely you are to survive them.