Fear the Walking Dead didn’t air an episode this past Sunday, but I have more survival rules for you this week. A zombie apocalypse can be full of surprises, and, if we’re honest, most of them aren’t good ones. I think I made that obvious last week.
Between the zombies, hostiles, people you know who might become hostiles, other threats that might exist, and the outbreak itself, happening while you aren’t even aware of it, there are a lot of surprises potentially going on in a zombie apocalypse that you need to be on the lookout for.
No one in Fear The Walking Dead saw a nuclear attack coming. In this week’s Survival Rule Of The Week, you’ll learn to watch out for such hidden threats.
Since I found myself fairly surprised to discover that there wasn’t a new episode of Fear The Walking Dead this past Sunday, I’ve decided that this week, I’m going to focus on all those hidden threats that exist in a zombie apocalypse and how to deal with them, though, sometimes, simply knowing the threats could be there at all can give you a big leg-up.
The first step to avoiding surprise threats is knowing that they could be there in the first place because once you know, they might be coming, they’re not nearly as surprising, are they?