1) It’s A Zombie Apocalypse. Understand That First And Foremost.
Let’s not kid ourselves here: A zombie apocalypse will be horrible. Something, most likely a virus or other disease, will cause people to die, reanimate, and then begin eating everyone they can get their hands on, infecting them, and starting the cycle all over again, ad infinitum. This disease will be capable of infecting anyone and will likely afflict at least one person you know/care about. Maybe many. Maybe all.
In the wake of this, chaos will quickly ensue as more and more people are infected, and either society doesn’t realize what’s going on and panic, or realize all too well, and panic even worse. In the midst of this, malcontents, opportunists, criminals, and just plain idiots will attempt to use the situation to their advantage to steal, loot, rape, pillage, plunder, and destroy, while even worse, people will use the chaos to settle long-held grudges, satiate hatred with violence, or reveal the monster that they’ve always kept hidden from polite society.
If people are fortunate, governments will understand the situation, mobilize quickly to contain it, protect the uninfected, maintain order, and destroy the dead. That, however, is only if we’re lucky. What is far more likely is that governments will either be unable or unwilling to accept what they’re dealing with and fail to respond properly, or they will attempt to use the situation as an excuse to gain and exert as much power as possible, which will almost certainly fail in the long run, and delay the horrors of the outbreak.
After the outbreak ends and society has crumbled, many survivors will resort to thievery, extortion, rape, and murder to get what they want. Of course, some will be exactly the sort of people you’d expect to resort to such measures; many, however, will not be and rely on that to lure you into ambushes.
As for you, you will probably have to go to extremes to survive: Eating things you would never have before the outbreak and, more importantly, doing things you would never have before the outbreak, including resorting to violence.
This is what the zombie apocalypse will be like. Ask yourself: Are you willing to face all of this? You’ll have to if you want to keep on breathing.