Fear The Walking Dead, Survival Rule Of The Week: This Is NOT The End

Nick Stahl as Riley- Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 6, Episode 16 - Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC
Nick Stahl as Riley- Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 6, Episode 16 - Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC /
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Fear the Walking Dead
Nick Stahl as Riley- Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 6, Episode 16 – Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC /

3) Things Are Rarely As Bad As They Seem.

In this week’s Fear, a nuclear warhead detonated somewhere in Texas. Morgan and his group believed it to be their certain doom.

However, thanks to Morgan (The real one, not Strand pretending to be him), Teddy only launched one missile, and its warheads landed far enough away from Galveston that none of them were killed in the blast; in fact, some of them were far enough away that they were out of the blast radius…like Strand.

My point is: Even in a zombie apocalypse, things are rarely as bad as they initially seem.

Now, don’t get me wrong, a zombie apocalypse will not be pleasant by any means, with or without nuclear warheads going off, and it will be dangerous, and horrific, and deadly, and tragic, but…it won’t be a guaranteed death. You will have the chance to survive, you will have the chance to carry on and build a life for yourself.

The thing with a zombie apocalypse (Or any disaster, if I’m honest) is that you need to broaden how you look at things. For example, when you first think of a zombie apocalypse, you likely imagine that it’s the end, that there is no future after that, but, as I’ve been saying throughout…that’s not true.

Sure, for some people, it will be, but…not everybody. Just like every other disaster humanity has withstood, there will be a future, and if you followed my Survival Rule Of The Week last week and prepared, you have a far better chance of being there for that future.

Once you get past the initial outbreak, however, you’ll come to realize that there is a whole new world, a dangerous one to be sure, but one that you can survive, and eventually, learn to thrive in if you’re willing to make to the effort.

In the post-apocalyptic world, you get a second chance, a chance to build yourself up, outside of a lot of the constraints of the pre-apocalypse one.

And, if you last long enough, you’ll realize that there will come a day when the zombies…aren’t there anymore, and you can truly build a new world once they’re gone.

Like I said: Things are rarely as bad as they might, at first, seem.