Season six of Fear The Walking Dead ended with a nuclear warhead being launched and making landfall somewhere in Texas.
As we saw, none of our main protagonists were caught in the blast, meaning that they’ll all live to see season seven.
However, while only one missile was launched, according to Teddy and Riley, each missile contained ten warheads, only one of which we see make landfall. The one we did see flash burned everything for miles and turned poor Dakota to dust.
Fear the Walking Dead, how will the fallout affect the storyline?
But, that raises (Haha…razes) a couple of questions:
1) Where will the other warheads land?
2) What about the fallout?

Initially, I was going to question whether the fallout would affect characters in The Walking Dead or World Beyond because of the fallout potentially being blown eastward. After thinking about it, even if we were to say that it already has, it clearly wasn’t important enough to warrant at the moment, anyway.
While I think it’s certainly possible the fallout could be blown to Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York, the problem is, with both shows still a few years ahead of Fear, the most major fallout would have already happened, which, obviously, we didn’t see. Also obvious is that those shows were written well before season six of Fear was written, so they wouldn’t have been aware of this development to make such additions to the characters.
At the most, we could see a character develop symptoms of radiation sickness, but with King Ezekiel already having thyroid cancer, I feel like that story slot is already filled.
As for Fear, however, I think there is ample wiggle room for fallout.
Firstly, only one warhead had landed when the episode closed, which means nine nuclear warheads still need to make landfall. We have no idea where they’re going to land. They could land in nine major cities in Texas. They could land on CRM supply dumps across the region, they could land on Pioneer outposts in Oklahoma, we have no clue where they’ll end up. This could easily wind up being a plot point at the beginning of season seven, with the group trying to reunite but now finding whole swaths of Texas impassable because of the fallout.

Speaking of the fallout: What’s going to happen to the rest of the Pioneers, or the people at Valley Town, or the Outcasts? Did they escape? Did any of the warheads fall in their vicinity? Are the walkers that didn’t get destroyed in the blast now radioactive walkers, like those from the power plant?
All of this also makes me wonder whether or not survivors in Texas will be able to grow food or raise livestock. With the fallout that’s inevitably going to come, how will they be able to eat anything that’s been exposed to it? They may wind up having to rely on Teddy’s method of composting walkers and using solar lamps to grow food for the foreseeable future.
Who knows? Maybe the massive convoy Michonne found in her final episode of The Walking Dead is being led by Morgan, with all of the people in it refugees from Teddy’s nuclear attack and the long-term effects it’s had on the region.
One last thing I wonder: While we haven’t seen (And likely won’t see) anyone in The Walking Dead suffer radiation sickness…will our heroes in Fear be as lucky? No matter what, they’re going to have some level of exposure to the radiation, and eventually, it will get to them.
Maybe Teddy was right after all: He just needed to be…patient.
But, what do you think? Do you think the rest of the warheads will play a role in season seven of Fear The Walking Dead? Do you think the fallout will start to make people sick? Do you think Texas will become overrun by radioactive walkers? Do you think the fallout might play a role in the rest of the Walking Dead universe? Let me know!
And, of course, if you enjoyed this and want to hear my ideas on how to survive a zombie apocalypse, you can always pick up a copy of my book, The Rules: A Guide To Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse! You can also find it on Amazon here and iTunes here!