Best Walking Dead Universe Duos – 24. Sarah and Wendell
Sarah (Mo Collins) and her adoptive brother Wendell (Daryl Mitchell) have been an immensely entertaining and endearing duo since they were introduced into spinoff Fear the Walking Dead in season 4 episode “The Code.”
Believe it or not, the duo actually entered the show as antagonists following an encounter with Morgan and a fight for supplies. However, once Morgan can convince them into practicing kindness, they soon change their selfish ways. Now, they are still going strong in our group, as witty as ever. Sarah and Wendell are just about the most entertaining characters in the entire show.
Their relationship is very sibling-esque. Of course, they share some great banter. For example, one thing they like to do is count how many walkers each has killed, treating it like a competition of sorts. And who doesn’t love Sarah’s cute nickname, “Mo-Mo,” for Morgan?