5 times Rick Grimes made the right choice
Befriending Morgan Jones – when Rick came out of his coma and headed for his house, he didn’t know what he would find. He didn’t have a clue what had gone on while he was in the hospital and when Duane Jones knocked him out with a shovel, it was the best thing that could have happened at the time.
Morgan took him in and cared for his wounds, and explained what had gone on since the outbreak. Rick didn’t know that by spending time with the Jones, offering to help them and keep in contact would be one of the most important friendships of his life.
Going to Atlanta – When Morgan told Rick that the military in Atlanta had set up a refugee center, he thought this would be a good start to the search for his family. As he travels to the city, the seriousness of the outbreak becomes a reality to him. He sees many things on his travels that are tough to comprehend.
When he arrives in Atlanta and is overrun by a huge horde of the undead, it looks like this wasn’t such a good idea. But then a voice comes over the radio of the tank he is trapped in, and that voice was Glenn, a member of the Atlanta group who will unknowingly reunite Rick with his family. This group will become Rick’s extended family, who will bond with the need to survive in this apocalyptic world.

Rick Grimes saved Hershel
Saving Hershel – Rick’s group headed to the Greene farm to seek medical attention for Carl’s gunshot wound. The group arrived consumed with worry for Carl and his injury and hoped Hershel could use his skills as a veterinarian to save his life. Luckily, this was another occasion where this situation would alter the lives of the group because of the bond that would be created with the Greene family.
When the farm was overrun, and the barn was on fire, the group scattered but were able to find one another along the road. They searched out a place to set up a home for the growing group and a pregnant Lori for months. Finally, when they found the prison, it seemed like the ideal place to set up camp.
Things went fairly smooth until Hershel was bit, and Rick, acting quickly, cut off Hershel’s leg, which stopped the spread and saved his life. Hershel was a man who gave Rick good advice and although he would end up killed by the governor was a good friend and advisor to Rick for the time they were together.
Killing Gareth – when the group made their way to Terminus, they had no idea what they would find there. And, no one imagined they would come upon a group of cannibals. This group had been tortured by another group making their minds so warped and twisted that they turned to killing and eating people like it was a common thing.
Rick promised the leader Gareth that he would kill him with a red-handled machete he had hidden in the woods. After all the torment Gareth and his group put Rick and his people through, and for what they did to Bob, Rick had to make good on his promise of killing him. In the scene in the church when Gareth is begging for his life, many thought Rick wouldn’t go through with his promise. But, he did, and this one a good decision since Gareth and his group would never give up searching for Rick’s people.
Claimers – you could tell this group was no good from the first introduction. In a haze from losing all his friends after the fall of the jail and then losing Beth to the car with the white cross, Daryl joined this group because he didn’t know what else to do. He quickly learned that this group was bad news but feared they would kill him if he tried to leave.
The night that the claimers found Rick, Michonne and Carl, is a scene that no fan can soon forget. It was emotional and traumatizing for many reasons. Joe, the lead claimer, didn’t know what he was getting into when he attacked Rick Grimes. Rick, left with no other choice, reacted the only way he could at the moment; he ripped out Joe’s throat with his teeth. It was unexpected, and viewers gasped. He had to protect his son, and as most parents know, you will do anything to protect your children.