The Walking Dead releases the 2nd reveal leading up to season 11

Melissa McBride as Carol Peletier, Lauren Cohan as Maggie Greene, Christian Serratos as Rosita Espinosa, Cassady McClincy as Lydia - The Walking Dead _ Season 11 - Photo Credit: Josh Stringer/AMC
Melissa McBride as Carol Peletier, Lauren Cohan as Maggie Greene, Christian Serratos as Rosita Espinosa, Cassady McClincy as Lydia - The Walking Dead _ Season 11 - Photo Credit: Josh Stringer/AMC

The Walking Dead has released the second reveal leading up to the season 11 premiere. Fans were hoping for a teaser, but the titles of the episodes have been released. The final season will consist of 24 episodes released in 3 parts that will have eight episodes each. This week’s reveal gives us titles for the first eight episodes.

One thing that strikes me as interesting is the first two episode titles. Acheron is from Greek mythology and can be translated to Hades or Hell. The Acheron river was believed to branch into the underworld. What does that mean? Do they have to endure two episodes of hell? I don’t know about you, but that makes me worried about our characters.

1101 – Acheron: Part I

1102 – Acheron: Part II

1103 – Hunted

1104 – Rendition

1105 – Out of the Ashes

1106 – On the Inside

1107 – Promises Broken

1108 – For Blood

The Walking Dead season 11 reveal

So, episode titles aren’t quite as exciting as, say, a teaser clip, but what can we learn from the titles?

As stated above, “Acheron” also means hell or refers to the river that leads to hell.

“Hunted” could refer to Reapers hunting our people.

“Rendition” has a definition I wasn’t familiar with: the practice of sending a foreign criminal or terrorist suspect covertly to be interrogated in a country with less rigorous regulations for the humane treatment of prisoners. That is a lot to unpack.

“Out of the Ashes” makes me think of Connie. Will this be her episode?

“On the Inside” Do they infiltrate the Commonwealth?

“Promises Broken” on my mind is all over the place with this one! This could be promises broken between characters, or an enemy has made promises they never intended to keep.

“For Blood” this one sounds ominous. It could mean so many things. Hopefully, the blood isn’t from any of our people. Although this episode will be the part 1 finale, and we know what TWD likes to do in a finale.

What did you think of this week’s reveal? Let us know in the comments below.

The Walking Dead returns to AMC on August 22.