The newest season of The Walking Dead has begun.
The first episode of the final season of The Walking Dead has aired, and it’s already planting seeds for a slew of story arcs for at least the rest of the first half of the season. Negan and Maggie’s feud, the sinister nature of The Commonwealth, Yumiko’s brother, the impending war with The Reapers, and the journey to get to them.
How these will play out and how far into the season these arcs will go is tough to say, but what isn’t tough to say is that all of these were fairly obvious to see. There was no ambiguity about these stories being a thing in last week’s episode; they were as plain as the nose on your face.
The thing about that is: That’s not what we’re about here. If you’re reading this, then what you’re looking for are the things that aren’t so obvious, the things that you might not have noticed the first time around. What I like to do is find all of the little hints, clues, details, references, and trivia that can easily be overlooked, gather it all up, and bring it here in one convenient place for you to use the second time around…which is exactly what I’ve done. Hopefully, you can sit down with this and get a head’s up for all of these things when you see the episode re-air tonight.
Are you ready? It’s time for this week’s installment of The Walking Dead: THINGS TO NOTE!