1) This episode’s “Previously on The Walking Dead” (Strangely, voiced by Norman Reedus) focuses on the events of the third part of season ten, particularly Negan and Maggie’s tension and Eugene’s group’s abduction by The Commonwealth.
2) As mentioned by showrunner Angela Kang in the AMC+ Episode Insider, the opening sequence featured Magna, Kelly, Maggie, Lydia, Rosita, and Carol because, logically, they’re all lighter than their male counterparts, and therefore, the only ones capable of being carried by the pulleys the team used to enter the fort.
3) The base the group breaks into is named Fort Connors, as seen on a plaque on the wall as the team breaks in.
4) What happened to the soldiers inside the fort? Why are their bodies all strewn on the floor? There doesn’t seem to be any civilian walkers, so was there a battle here between the army and the National Guard, as we’ve seen referenced in Althea’s “The Bog #7” tape from Fear The Walking Dead?
5) After running out of arrows, Carol and Maggie both grab AR-15s, but both are out of ammo, suggesting that the soldiers in the fort did have a battle, whether that was with walkers or living people, we can’t tell.