AMC has now aired The Walking Dead’s second episode of season 11, “Acheron Part 2.” This was a continuation from last week’s episode that left us with a cliffhanger. Most viewers were able to see this episode early via AMC+, with many rewatching on AMC during the official airing.
Major spoilers for episode 1102, “Acheron Part 2,” from this point on.
What is going on with Maggie? Since her return, she is most definitely a changed woman. She has obviously suffered some major trauma, and it has hardened her into someone unrecognizable. Let’s discuss the subway car situation.
Now let’s get one thing straight. This had nothing to do with who was in that subway car; it could have been anyone. This all boils down to how Maggie handled the situation before her.
We all saw that Maggie had the audacity to beg Negan for help soon after telling him she wanted to kill him. He didn’t give her the assistance; who would? She then berated Negan for not giving her the help she desperately needed while clinging to the side of the subway car.
Then she immediately turns around and refuses to help Gage and lets walkers kill him. He begged her for help. He looked her in the eyes, apologized and begged for his life. She stated they didn’t have the ammo to fend off the walkers, which they eventually do anyway. And she watched him die.
How is this different? I am not saying Maggie or Negan is right; I am just stating that they aren’t different. We aren’t talking about the past actions of either of these people as neither one of them is the same people they were back then. I am talking about the current timeline we find them in and what they are doing now.
The Walking Dead setting up the Maggie and Negan alliance
Here is what I think. I believe that the writers show us that these two characters have grown in different directions, taking them to almost the same place. A place where they are practically devoid of emotion in this world. They are in survival mode and will do what they need to ensure their survival.
Even if that means these two enemies must form an alliance.

We have seen many clips and photos of Negan and Maggie joining forces. What has forced them into that situation?
The Reapers are fearsome, as we witness at the end of the episode. I think Maggie is holding back vital information about this group. They are organized and well trained and will take a lot of force to take down.
We have seen little bits of foreshadowing of an alliance between Maggie and Negan. Like Maggie trusting Negan with the gun. Negan honoring that trust by returning the gun. When Maggie was telling the gruesome story, Negan understood what she was saying at the end and finished her thought. This is clever writing, and it is exciting to imagine where this storyline is headed.
Yes, Maggie handled it wrong; you won’t convince me otherwise, but I feel it is building to something much bigger, and I can’t wait to see it!
The Walking Dead returns to AMC on September 5 with “Hunted.” This episode is available to stream on AMC+.