The Walking Dead, Survival Rule Of The Week: The Old Rules Don’t Apply

- The Walking Dead _ Season 11, Episode 2 - Photo Credit: Josh Stringer/AMC
- The Walking Dead _ Season 11, Episode 2 - Photo Credit: Josh Stringer/AMC
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BTS, Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan – The Walking Dead _ Season 11, Episode 1 – Photo Credit: Josh Stringer/AMC
BTS, Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan – The Walking Dead _ Season 11, Episode 1 – Photo Credit: Josh Stringer/AMC

Old grudges are pointless when you have The Walking Dead to worry about

One other thing that Daryl saw alongside the money man in the Metro tunnels in this week’s Walking Dead was a mural showing people attacking others who, presumably, had a lot of wealth/status before the outbreak. If that mural is anything to go by, it means that even before Washington was subjected to Operation: Cobalt, people began attacking those they deemed or knew had higher wealth or status than them. It’s frightening to think that people will just descend into chaos and violence in times of instability, attacking people for perceived grievances, if they even muster that much of an excuse.

The thing is? The things that separate us before the zombie outbreak — class, wealth, status, politics — don’t mean a damn thing after the outbreak.

Someone had a bigger house than you? A smaller one? So what?
Someone was of a higher/lower class than you? Does that matter?
Someone didn’t agree with you about politics? Who cares?! There’s no government anymore!

Sadly, for some people, things like class, wealth, status, politics, etc. may be something they give too much importance to, and thus, become something they cling jealously to when civilization crumbles — For some, scapegoating people based on these suddenly obsolete divisions (Including getting violent with them) is the only way to make sense of the chaos.

Mark my words, though: The fate of people who cling onto these archaic divisions will not be a nice one. Imagine meeting someone in the midst of a zombie apocalypse who attacks you or you group because you didn’t vote the way they wanted, or because they think you didn’t vote the way they wanted. How would you react? I don’t know about you, but, if I met such a person trying to attack my group based on something that died when civilization did, I would not be kind to them.

When the world collapses, it takes a lot of old pointless crap with it. There’s no point hanging onto divisions that don’t mean anything anymore.