In the most recent episode of The Walking Dead titled “Hunted,” we saw Carol, Rosita, Magna and Kelly recover the horses that were lost during the Whisperer war. During this time, Rosita also shared with Carol that she has been having dreams of Abe, and she believes he is trying to communicate something important to her about Alexandria.
Michael Cudltiz, who played Abraham Ford in the series, has taken his turn behind the camera after his character was killed off. We have seen his work as the director for The Walking Dead in “Stradivarius,” “Silence the Whisperers,” and “Open Your Eyes.” He has also directed two episodes in the spinoff series The Walking Dead: World Beyond, “Shadow Puppets” and “Truth or Dare.”
In July, he posted some teaser tweets that he was back in Georgia using the hashtags #TWDHealthandSafety #TWDFinalSeason. It was assumed that he was directing, but could he have been doing more than just directing?
Will Abraham return for the final season of The Walking Dead?
I know what you are thinking. Abraham was killed by Negan with Lucille. There is no way he can return. What if he shows up in Rosita’s dream, and we get to see that played out? It has happened before in other dream sequences. It’s the final season of the series, and anything goes.
How amazing would it be to see Abraham Ford one last time before this series see its end? He would have some outlandish one-liner to share with Rosita on a crazy way to save Alexandria that might just work.
This would be only one of the epic characters fans would love to see make a return in the final season. And what a great way to make this happen.
The Walking Dead returns to AMC on September 12 with “Rendition.” This episode is currently available to stream on AMC+.