To survive The Walking Dead, hard choices need to be made.
Last week, I talked about how, in a zombie apocalypse, the old rules don’t apply anymore. Well, among those old rules is the idea that life will, in any way we conceive of it, be easy. If what we saw in this week’s episode of The Walking Dead is any indication of how an actual zombie apocalypse would be, then it would be about as far from easy as it possibly could be.
In fact, one of the new rules I tackled last week was about how the apocalypse is a gamble, and not everyone wins, which was spurred on by Maggie having to choose to leave Gage to die inside a train car filling with walkers, rather than risk the lives of the rest of the group. This wasn’t an easy decision for her, Gage making sure of it by forcing her and the group to watch him turn in front of them.
With all of that in mind, I’ve decided that, in this week’s Survival Rule Of The Week, I’m going to discuss just how hard a zombie apocalypse can be, and some of the kinds of choices you may have to make while trying to survive it. You need to prepare yourself, because, once the dead start walking, you quickly start to realize that every decision you make becomes a life-or-death one