When there’s Walking Dead, you can’t be wqueamish.
In this week’s episode of The Walking Dead, despite the fact the community needed workhorses, Carol had to kill one, in order to provide the community with food for a few more days. Some in the community (The kids, mostly), were a little put off by it, but ate it, in lieu of starving.
These days, people can get kinds of food that were unheard of in some countries a decade ago, or from countries, they never could get food from before, or even restaurants and cooking styles you’d never have seen in the days of our parents. Basically, you can eat almost anything you want, depending on where you are.
But, it wasn’t always like this: My grandpa used to tell me how, when he was a kid a century ago, he had to eat whatever he and his brothers could scrounge up, including possum. Hell, even when I was little, my grandpa would occasionally suggest eating roadkill. I’m not even joking.
The ability to eat things that might disgust most is an important one to have in a zombie apocalypse, if times get extremely lean, you may have to resort to eating whatever things you can scrounge up or hunt: Possum, raccoon, skunk, horse, dog, anything that won’t make you sick or isn’t human is fair game.
After eating things like skunk, possum might seem like “fine dining”.