Walking Dead fans should be following horse trainer Tommie Turvey on IG

Nadia Hilker as Magna - The Walking Dead _ Season 11, Episode 3 - Photo Credit: Josh Stringer/AMC
Nadia Hilker as Magna - The Walking Dead _ Season 11, Episode 3 - Photo Credit: Josh Stringer/AMC

If you love horses and love The Walking Dead, you need to follow Tommie Turney on Instagram. Turvey is a professional horse and rider trainer who does training for The Walking Dead series. His Instagram page has many great BTS photos of Walking Dead cast members with their fellow equestrian castmates.

Turvey grew up around horses and his first job was riding young untrained horses in the auction ring with only a halter. It was a great way for the auctioneer to proclaim the horse could be ridden by a 10-year-old and this “performance” was a thrilling experience for Tommie. This is what gave him the passion for becoming an entertainer.

He would go on to ride at Arabian Nights in Florida with a group of legendary horse trainers. Learning everything he could from this group. On his website TommieTurvey.com, you can see amazing videos of his work.

The Walking Dead’s horse trainer

Below is a recent post from his IG page featuring Michael James Shaw, a new addition to the series. He played the Commonwealth soldier Mercer. 

The Walking Dead gets a lot of negative attention because of all the horses killed off in the series. But, the reality is these beautiful creatures are treated well, and look at these beauties used in season 10.

Below is the horse Sunday who has been on the series for quite some time. He should make an appearance at some cons.

This is a great action shot of Nadia Hilker, who plays Magna.

Here is an awesome shot of Luke (Dan Fogler) on Mojo and Alden (Callan Mcauliffe) on Blondie.

I kind of got lost in growing Turvey’s IG page. There are so many amazing Walking Dead photos. Many actors featured with their horses, including one of the iconic Atlanta scene with Rick Grimes from season 1. Be sure to check out his page and give him a follow.