The Walking Dead – Daryl and Leah reunion
1) This episode’s “Previously on The Walking Dead,” focusing on the desperate food situation in Alexandria, Maggie suggesting the mission to Meridian, and the eventual run-in with The Reapers, is voiced by Norman Reedus.
2) Daryl’s abduction makes The Reapers the fourth hostile group to capture him, behind Woodbury, Terminus, and his long imprisonment by the Saviors.
3) According to the skull-masked Reaper, Leah’s last name is Shaw. This is the first time we’ve heard her surname, though it remains unclear whether this is the first time Daryl’s heard it.
4) Speaking of the skull-masked Reaper (Who was also coordinating Daryl’s waterboarding), according to the captions, his name is Carver (Alex Meraz). However, no one calls him by name during the episode.
5) This episode likely gets its name from how The Reapers interrogate Daryl through the use of waterboarding. The term “rendition” means, among other things, to transport a criminal or terrorist suspect secretly to places with looser laws about interrogation, a practice notoriously performed by the CIA in and around the time the outbreak hit, and obviously, something The Reapers did during the war.