The Reaper’s are a group fearsome group. In the most recent episode of The Walking Dead “On the Inside,” we witnessed more torture tactics from this group. This time Daryl Dixon was involved and it was brutal. Pope is testing Daryl’s loyalties to the Reapers and I’d say he passed the first test.

We see Carver (Alex Meraz) pulling out Frost’s (Glenn Stanton) fingernails; he is one of the last of the Wardens. Pope and his squad are still trying to find out Maggie’s location, and from the looks of it, Frost has been beaten many times as they try to extract this information. Pope tells Daryl he’s next, and Daryl doesn’t disappoint. Frost knows what Daryl’s game is, and he plays right along even when Daryl cuts Frost’s finger off.
The Reapers make it to Maggie’s safe house, and Daryl quickly uses the downed powerlines to alert her to their presence. After searching the house, they see that it is empty. Daryl notices a cellar door in the floor and tries to hide it with the rug. Carver yells at Daryl, but during this conversation, Daryl gives Maggie and the group vital information about the Reapers, and they can escape from the cellar before Carver finds the door.
The Walking Dead, did Pope get information about Daryl?
When the search party arrives back at Meridian, we see a reanimated Frost tied to a pole. Pope gloats about how he isn’t upset that Maggie was able to escape because he was able to get the information he needed from Frost.

As he and Carver walk away, they share some words, and Carver sends a quick smile Daryl’s way. This is to make Daryl think Pope learned something new about him. Something they can use against him.
I don’t think he got anything from Frost. He has shown himself to be loyal to Maggie and the Wardens and was more than happy to play along with Daryl’s ruse from the first time they talked in the cells. Frost was a man of integrity, and just as the Reapers are loyal to their squad, Frost was the same to his. Why would Pope kill someone he could get more information from? It doesn’t make sense.
Now he has Daryl wondering if he did find something out that he could use against him. Pope is using this misinformation, hoping it will make Daryl slip up and give something away.
It will be interesting to see how the Reapers/Daryl/Maggie situation is resolved. It won’t happen without a fight, that is certain.
The Walking Dead returns to AMC on October 3 with “Promises Broken.” This episode is available now to stream on AMC+.
The Walking Dead: World Beyond returns to AMC with its season two premiere on October 3. This episode is available now to stream on AMC+.
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