The Walking Dead season 11 episode 6 On The Inside: Things To Note
Cannibals, trap houses, close calls, dissension and more in this week’s brand new installment of The Walking Dead: Things To Note!
I’ve been having a lot of fun watching this season of The Walking Dead thus far. “On the Inside” was especially up my alley. Part of this was because Daryl’s half of this episode was one big espionage story, as he plays double-agent inside the Reapers. The other part was because of the weirdos Virgil and Connie had to contend with, who were both familiar and unique at the same time.
Of course, Daryl’s precarious situation and the people chasing Connie and Virgil were…pretty damn obvious. The only way you couldn’t see these things was by not watching the episode at all!
That’s not the sort of thing we’re here for. We’re here for the little things that you may overlook, the bits of trivia, hints, clues, references, and details you may miss the first time around. As always, I’ve made it my mission to comb through this week’s episode of The Walking Dead, gathering as many of these as I can, so I can put them all together in one place so that you don’t need to go looking around for them when the episode re-airs
Are you ready? It’s time for this week’s installment of The Walking Dead: Things To Note!