The Walking Dead season 11 episode 6 On The Inside: Things To Note

Alex Meraz as Carver, Glenn Stanton as Frost - The Walking Dead _ Season 11, Episode 6 - Photo Credit: Josh Stringer/AMC
Alex Meraz as Carver, Glenn Stanton as Frost - The Walking Dead _ Season 11, Episode 6 - Photo Credit: Josh Stringer/AMC
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Lauren Ridloff as Connie, Kevin Carroll as Virgil – The Walking Dead _ Season 11, Episode 6 – Photo Credit: Josh Stringer/AMC

The Walking Dead ferals

9) With their pale skin and gaunt, bedraggled appearance, the ferals resemble the man responsible for the demons/zombies in REC and its English version, Quarantine.

10) When the first feral chases Connie to the basement, as he bangs on the door, the captions interpret his grunts as him saying “Hungry!”, despite the fact his grunts in that scene are merely grunts. In a later scene, however, he does say, “Hungry!”. Why the captions have that line at the wrong time is anyone’s guess.

11) Judging by the pile of bones strewn across the floor of the basement of the trap house (As well as the whole”Hungry” thing from the last entry), the ferals are the second group of cannibals we’ve seen in The Walking Dead, behind Terminus. Additionally, Virgil and Connie now join Daryl, Carol, Maggie, Rosita, and Eugene as the only members of the group to have survived a run-in with such people.

12) While she no-sold it at the time, during her argument with Carver, Leah calls out how Pope trapped her and Daryl in one of the cabins at Meridian and set it ablaze with them inside, and specifically calls out Carver for doing nothing, finally addressing that incident. Carver replies that “Everything’s a test now.” Together, this adds up to Leah being unhappy with Pope’s treatment of her, and his recent hardline treatment of perceived disloyalty is fairly new.