The Walking Dead World Beyond Konsekans
We learn more about New York’s slow march to the apocalypse and a little hint about the other shows as Connecting The Walking Dead returns!
After what feels like forever, it’s time for a brand new Connecting The Walking Dead!
For those of you who may not know, Connecting The Walking Dead is a series where I look through each episode of The Walking Dead: World Beyond and try to see what connections each episode has to its sister series’ and what connections we can draw between what we see in each episode and the beginning of the outbreak.
This week, we learned a bit from Lieutenant Colonel Kublek, who, while not necessarily revealing much in terms of volume, what she has revealed tells us both some interesting things about herself. We also learn about the people that now reside at the Civic Republic, people with who we may be very familiar.
We also wound up learning a lot from Hope. Not from Hope herself, exactly, but from her time exploring the ruins of the city of Albany on her own. She shows us a small but frightening window into how the apocalypse crept up on the city (And, to a larger degree, the world as a whole) with few people noticing it was happening.
I think it’s time we got started, don’t you?