The Walking Dead, Survival Rule Of The Week: You Need To Improvise

The Walking Dead _ Season 11, Episode 8 - Photo Credit: Josh Stringer/AMC
The Walking Dead _ Season 11, Episode 8 - Photo Credit: Josh Stringer/AMC /
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Ritchie Coster as Pope, Dane Davenport as Ancheta – The Walking Dead _ Season 11, Episode 8 – Photo Credit: Josh Stringer/AMC
Ritchie Coster as Pope, Dane Davenport as Ancheta – The Walking Dead _ Season 11, Episode 8 – Photo Credit: Josh Stringer/AMC /

There’s more than one way to kill The Walking Dead.

One of the things I loved from this week’s episode of The Walking Dead was the various ways that the Reapers had at their disposal to kill walkers. Firstly, they had what I can only assume were improvised land mines, and secondly, they had a hwacha (Not a “whatcha?”). This is a medieval Korean rocket battery, made from what looked like arrows and fireworks. The sheer ingenuity of it all made me laugh out loud.

One thing you need to realize when it comes to dealing with zombies is that there’s a whole bunch of ways to get rid of them besides just shooting them in the head, and the weapons you have at your disposal are practically limitless. Just about anything can be used as a weapon against the dead, and if you have the creativity to use these things against the dead, you’re a step ahead of those who don’t.

One great avenue of ingenuity against the dead is explosives. Depending on where you are, you may have access to a lot of fireworks. Now, smaller fireworks are, for the most part, relatively harmless (Unless you’re stupid enough to hold one in your hand when it goes off), but get into larger ones, and they’re, effectively, full-on explosives. Things like M-80s are explosives, little better than bombs, which, while dangerous to us, are just as dangerous to the dead. Yeah, they may not be able to kill zombies the same way they might us, but if they blow off a zombie’s legs, that zombie suddenly becomes far less dangerous.

If you can find some of these high-end explosives, you can put them to good use cutting the dead off at the knees (Literally) by making, for all intents and purposes, makeshift land mines for the dead to walk on, which, being zombies, they will do if you lure them to them.

On the other end, if you have things like skyrockets and arrows, you could do just like the Reapers did, and create your own rocket battery. It may not be the most accurate weapon you could use. I’m willing to bet that, against a large group of zombies, will take out more of them than you could, without wasting precious bullets you might need later.

At the end of the day, one of the most valuable things you can have in a zombie apocalypse is a creative mind that you can put to finding ways around and through those who would be a threat to you.

Next. The Walking Dead Theory: The Commonwealth Empire. dark

And that’s our Walking Dead Survival Rule Of The Week! One of the best things you can have going for you in a zombie apocalypse is the ability to innovate and improvise. Being able to conceive of unorthodox or unconventional solutions to problems you encounter will give you an immediate head start in your quest to survive. If you want to learn ways to be innovative in the apocalypse, why not pick up a copy of my book, The Rules: A Guide To Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse! You can also get it at Amazon here, on iTunes here!