Fear the Walking Dead season seven season premiere
6) Judging by the timetable Will gives for being out in the wasteland, “50 days, give or take.” Will says this episode takes place around two months after the end of season six.
7) Strand’s policy of letting people stay in his community “If they have value” is a policy that feels reminiscent both of the Commonwealth in The Walking Dead, as well as that of Virginia and the Pioneers. This is funny, considering Strand’s present attitude was one he developed to take down Virginia, mainly for that very reason.
8) As Strand is giving Will the tour of his new home, he looks out over the horizon, and we see the highway not far from the building, which appears surprisingly empty. The few cars we do see seem to have a couple of military vehicles stuck behind them. Why isn’t there more traffic? When we’ve seen the highways in or around cities like Los Angeles and Atlanta, there have been massive, miles-long traffic jams; why not here?
9) What, exactly, did Will do to piss off Alicia? We get hints at it, but nothing that says why he was kicked out.
10) According to Will, Teddy’s goons killed Senator Vasquez and the rest of his staff while Will was busy doing maintenance.