Fear the Walking Dead IG page take over by Jenna Elfman

Jenna Elfman as June - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 7, Episode 3 - Photo Credit: Lauren "Lo" Smith/AMC
Jenna Elfman as June - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 7, Episode 3 - Photo Credit: Lauren "Lo" Smith/AMC

This past Sunday, Jenna Elfman, who plays June Dorie on Fear the Walking Dead, did an Instagram takeover on the series page. She shared some great BTS photos and commentary on the episode “Cindy Hawkins” that featured her character and John Dorie Sr, who Keith Carradine plays.

The pair took cover in a bunker before the nuclear bombs were detonated in season six. This bunker was set up by Teddy Maddox, the very man who set off the warheads. He touted his the end is the beginning mantra to his cult followers, but the whole time planned to take cover in the bunker until the coast was clear.

Upon learning of this and Teddy’s betrayal to her, Dakota, a loyal follower, shot him but decided to remain above ground and meet her maker.

Jenna Elfman takes over Fear the Walking Dead Instagram page

The first photos that Elfman shared were BTS photos of the filming outside of the bunker in the wasteland. The eerie orange and yellow lighting, the naked trees, burnt ground, and rolling smoke created an apocalypse within an apocalypse.

Elfman stated it was an honor to work with the Fear TWD crew on this episode that Ron Underwood directed (“210 Words Per Minute” and “The Key”).

Next, she shared some great BTS photos of herself with Keith Carradine while filming the episode. She stated that he was a delight to work with and had the best Hollywood stories from his long-running career. Bernardo Trujillo designed the set, and Elfman applauded his craft in making such a realistic confined space.

Another photo showed June being duct-taped into her radiation suit. A task that had to be done frequently by Nyima Johnston, the custumer who Elfman says is the best she has ever had.

Be sure to flip through the Jenna takeover IG story on the Fear TWD page as she answers some fan questions.

Fear the Walking Dead returns to AMC on November 7 with “Breathe With Me.” This episode is currently available on AMC+.