The Civic Republic has been making plans since The Walking Dead began
We learned from Huck and Dennis in this week’s episode of World Beyond that the CRM agreed that they would allow themselves to fall under the oversight of the civilian government.
This seems like a perfectly normal thing that would be arranged by a high-functioning group like the CR, presumably to ensure that the republic doesn’t devolve into a military dictatorship or something along those lines.
This arrangement was hammered out in the CR’s “Founding Compact,” specifically, that the CRM would fall under the civilian government’s oversight after ten years.
Wait, ten years?
That would mean that, around the time that Rick was in his coma, the CR was not only established but comfortable enough to be hammering out divisions of power, handovers of said power, and looking ahead ten years in the future. That’s odd.
Not that the CR is ten years old, but the idea that that early into the apocalypse, they were in so comfortable a state that they could devote time, resources, and people to things like worrying about the distribution of power, and so confident as to mandate a transfer of that power ten years into the future.
This raises so many questions about how the CR got to that point that early in the apocalypse. I have ideas, but until we learn more, we won’t really know.