Fans of The Walking Dead series are patiently waiting for a trailer for part 2 of season eleven. We got a teaser trailer that spoiled some cliffhangers from season 11, episode 8 but we need and want to see more! We all have high expectations for the finale season, and February seems forever away to wait for the next episode. A trailer would satisfy our appetites for new content.
Showrunner Angela Kang posted a clip on social media stating they are working on the season 11B trailer. If you listen, we can hear Daryl Dixon’s voice (Norman Reedus) saying, “Everyone, get ready,” with some walker growls and incredible creepy strings music in the background.
The finale for season 11A left Daryl in the middle of a fight with Leah and her Reapers. She killed Pope, blamed Daryl, and was last seen igniting the hwacha to reign down on Maggie, Negan, Elijah, Father Gabriel, and Daryl. Perhaps this sound bite was from that scene and what will happen next.
The Walking Dead season 11 trailer
Other loose ends at the end of season 11A were Eugene and the gang at the Commonwealth. Eugene has gotten himself into hot water with the law enforcement of the Commonwealth, and he will need to give up the location of Alexandria to get himself out of it.
The other main issue is at Alexandria. The community has yet to rally from the Whisperer war, and the influx of residents has made things even harder. This has put a significant strain on resources, and without substantial nutrition, it is difficult for the residents to work to full capacity.
Aaron has shouldered this responsibility as he is one of the only original Alexandria residents remaining. But, events of his past are coming back to haunt him that are taking him to a dark place.
The teaser trailer that was released in October, in my opinion, gives away too much, so view it at your own risk.
The Walking Dead returns to AMC on February 20, 2022.