Connecting The Walking Dead, Season Two: Who Are You?

Nico Tortorella as Felix - The Walking Dead: World Beyond _ Season 2, Episode 6 - Photo Credit: Steve Swisher/AMC
Nico Tortorella as Felix - The Walking Dead: World Beyond _ Season 2, Episode 6 - Photo Credit: Steve Swisher/AMC /
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Pollyanna McIntosh as Jadis, Annet Mahendru as Huck – The Walking Dead: World Beyond _ Photo Credit: Steve Swisher/AMC
Pollyanna McIntosh as Jadis, Annet Mahendru as Huck – The Walking Dead: World Beyond _ Photo Credit: Steve Swisher/AMC /

Jadis, Or, Should I Say “Warrant Officer STOKES”

That’s right, “Warrant Officer Stokes.” I have to admit that, initially, I overlooked the significance until about an hour or so before writing this, when I went back and rewatched Jadis’s conversation with Huck to make sure I got a quote right for my latest The Walking Dead Theory and, suddenly, it hit me: Stokes, as in Father Gabriel Stokes.

It would appear that Jadis, still holding a candle for Father Gabriel (Who she was in a relationship with before joining the Civic Republic), has taken on his surname. Though, considering Jadis’s identity crisis (She even tells Huck that she wasn’t always called “Jadis”), it’s entirely possible that she just took the surname to have one and fit in at the CR.

Of course, names aren’t the only reference Jadis made to her past life during the events of The Walking Dead, as she recounted a brief history of her time running the Scavengers, explaining the nature of the strange way she and her group talked and most importantly, recounting how she got to the Civic Republic in the first place.

“I created a ticket to get to the Civic Republic. I gave the CRM something very valuable (Emphasis mine), and I got a new life.”

Obviously, that “something very valuable” was none other than Rick Grimes. The way she talks about him is kind of strange. I say “kind of” because, judging by the way Jadis is at this point, the idea of her throwing people under the bus to advance herself and satisfy her ambitions doesn’t seem out of character. However, when you consider how she spoke about Rick when calling the CRM to pick them up, it is a complete departure.

At the time, she considered and called Rick “a friend.” This was someone who had reached out to her, despite her betrayals, to bring her into his community and treat her the same as his people. When she saw him in trouble, she begged the CRM to help him however they could and sat with him as he faded in and out of consciousness, yet, now, she literally calls him “something very valuable.”

Was it all an act? Has all her time climbing up the CRM, and being separated from Rick, dehumanized him in her mind? Or, when she called the CRM in to help Rick, was it all just part of an elaborate scheme to use him as a bargaining chip to ensure acceptance into the Civic Republic?

I might not have thought so when she and Rick were taken in, but now…I don’t know.

Next. Fear The Walking Dead, Survival Rule Of The Week: You're Not Alone. dark

So what did you think?  Were there any connections that you felt I missed? Let me know in the comments! If you like this and want to see something different from me, specifically my tips to survive the zombie apocalypse, why not pick up a copy of my book, The Rules: A Guide To Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse! You can also get it at Amazon here, on iTunes here!