Fear the Walking Dead, Breathe With Me
Enemies become friends, old friends die, and new enemies emerge, all in this week’s Fear The Walking Dead: Things To Note!
Last week’s episode of Fear The Walking Dead was fun, helping to give us a great deal of depth to Josiah LaRoux and explore the relationship between Sarah and Wendell. We also got our first real look into the newest group of hostiles, the Stalkers—all in all, a solid episode with lots of storylines and character development.
This is all well and good, but it’s also something you could get from any old synopsis. If that’s what you wanted, chances are, you wouldn’t be here.
You see, there were also many things that you might have missed, a host of hints, clues, references, trivia, and details that help fill in the background and maybe give us something to look out for in the future.
Despite my hectic schedule this week, I managed to find the time to comb through last week’s episode and find as many of these as I could, in the hopes of cataloging them so that, should they become important later, you haven’t been left out of the loop. You never know when these kinds of things might come back.
Are you ready? It’s time for this week’s all-new installment of Fear The Walking Dead: Things To Note!