Connecting The Walking Dead, Season Two: Blood And Lies

Aliyah Royale as Iris, Alexa Mansour as Hope - The Walking Dead: World Beyond _ Season 2, Episode 7 - Photo Credit: Steve Swisher/AMC
Aliyah Royale as Iris, Alexa Mansour as Hope - The Walking Dead: World Beyond _ Season 2, Episode 7 - Photo Credit: Steve Swisher/AMC
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Natalie Gold as Lyla – The Walking Dead: World Beyond _ Season 2, Episode 6 – Photo Credit: Chip Jackson/AMC
Natalie Gold as Lyla – The Walking Dead: World Beyond _ Season 2, Episode 6 – Photo Credit: Chip Jackson/AMC

Dr. Abbott The Walking Dead: World Beyond

Over the series, one of the storylines that has subtly been told (Almost entirely in reverse) has been that of Dr. Samuel Abbott. He is a scientist from Portland who was helping Dr. Belshaw on Project Votus, the Civic Republic Military’s project to prevent reanimation after death. Thanks to this week’s revelations, we can finally piece together the story of this man of science who died because he tried to do the right thing.

His story began at the end. We saw the aftermath of his inclusion into Project Votus as a test subject, being experimented on by his former colleague, Dr. Lyla Belshaw. Clearly having been bitten on the chest, a location that people don’t commonly get bitten on during an ordinary attack by a walker. It was evident his inclusion in this part of the project was neither voluntary nor accidental.

It would turn out that, after being read into the true nature of Project Votus, namely that the CRM was using other communities to supply themselves with living test subjects to experiment upon (By infecting them with the zombie virus, no less). Dr. Abbott was appalled and threatened to go to the Civic Republic’s civilian authorities with this revelation. Needless to say, this was a poor decision on his part, as he never got the chance to, being murdered before he ever could.

I know this isn’t huge in the grand scheme of things, but it finally concludes a little murder mystery that has been going on in World Beyond quietly in the background for a season and a half and, in the process, shows us just how deep the evil of the CRM goes.

Speaking of which…