Fear the Walking Dead, Survival Rule Of The Week: It’s always something

Maggie Grace as Althea - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 7, Episode 6 - Photo Credit: Lauren "Lo" Smith/AMC
Maggie Grace as Althea - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 7, Episode 6 - Photo Credit: Lauren "Lo" Smith/AMC
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Maggie Grace as Althea, CRM Soldiers – Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 7, Episode 6 – Photo Credit: Lauren “Lo” Smith/AMC
Maggie Grace as Althea, CRM Soldiers – Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 7, Episode 6 – Photo Credit: Lauren “Lo” Smith/AMC

Fear the Walking Dead survival rule

You can’t run from problems in a zombie apocalypse because there are always problems, as we learned in this week’s Fear The Walking Dead.

This week’s episode of Fear The Walking Dead centered on Althea, and her apparent break with Isabelle, after the now-former CRM pilot had broken protocol. At Al’s request, she rescued Sarah, Rabbi Kessner, Daniel, Luciana, Charlie, and Wes from certain annihilation by a nuclear explosion at the end of season six.

As we would later learn, much of this break sprang from Al’s fear of what committing to a relationship with Isabelle would entail, specifically, being perpetually on the run from the Civic Republic Military. With Isabelle knowing so much about them and their methods, it’s not surprising that they would go to extreme lengths to ensure that such knowledge ended with her. This would include scouring the entire continent to hunt her down, and this was something Al simply did not want to be a party to.

Through reuniting with Morgan, Al was forced to confront that fear and realize that, no matter what, there would always be something, some danger, dogging her, and that simply being in danger wasn’t a good enough reason to push away someone she loved.

So, in this week’s Fear The Walking Dead, Survival Rule Of The Week, I’ve decided to tackle that very idea. Because it’s a zombie apocalypse, there will always be something (I’ll even discuss a few of those some things), and you have to deal with it.