The Walking Dead Universe announcement, what could it be?

BTS - The Walking Dead: World Beyond _ Season 2, Episode 9 - Photo Credit: Chip Jackson/AMC
BTS - The Walking Dead: World Beyond _ Season 2, Episode 9 - Photo Credit: Chip Jackson/AMC

The fandom has been scratching its head since the announcement that The Walking Dead universe would be getting huge news. This Sunday, December 5, will be a big one for TWDU. Fear the Walking Dead will air its season seven midseason finale, and The Walking Dead World Beyond will air its series finale. After that, Talking Dead will host Lennie James, Pollyanna McIntosh, Ian Goldberg and Matt Negrete, plus a special surprise guest. During the episode, a major announcement will also be revealed.

Many fans hoped for an appearance by Andrew Lincoln with a movie update announcement. Chief Content Officer Scott Gimple dash the hopes of that in one post on Twitter. Fans of Lincoln’s Rick Grimes weren’t pleased to find out there would be no movie news.

Now, the question is, what will the announcement be?

Scott Gimple The Walking Dead

Many fans and sites that cover TWD news have been going over what this announcement will be. Guesses to what will be announced have been all over the place. Some of the ideas include new spin-off news, news about Daryl and Carol’s spin-off, Tales of the Walking Dead premiere date, Fear TWD renewal, Madison returning to FearTWD, and the list goes on.

But, Gimple says this is “something, though, that’s been a long time coming” and “Sunday’s news will be massive and momentous.”

For me, in order for this to be massive and momentous, it will have to be much bigger than anything mentioned above. For something to affect TWDU as a whole and change things for the future, it will have to be something bigger than we first thought.

My guess? We are going to see something that shows us what has happened worldwide. The focus will no longer be on the US but elsewhere in the world. I think the post-credit scene for World Beyond’s series finale is the key to this announcement.

If you haven’t watched it yet, I’m not going to spoil anything in this article. I did a deeper dive into this scene in this article: Walking Dead World Beyond post-credit scene.

While there are no spoilers in that article for the upcoming episodes, I discuss the post-credit scene in detail. What transpires in that scene, in my opinion, would alter TWDU forever.

This Sunday, Fear the Walking Dead will air at 9 p.m. ET/8 p.m CT on AMC. The Walking Dead: World Beyond will air immediately after that, with Talking Dead following.

AMC+ currently has both episodes available to stream early.