Fear the Walking Dead, Strand
13) While discussing Mo’s condition with Morgan, June says how John’s unwillingness to play ball led to her losing him. This suggests that she is still in relatively the same mindset she was when we saw her in this season’s third episode, “Cindy Hawkins.” She was content with staying in a more unfavorable (If stable) place due to not knowing how to cope with John’s death.
14) While preparing to lower Mo down to Morgan in the elevator shaft, Strand tells her how his father barely looked at him. This is one of the first times Strand has mentioned his dad in the series.
15) After the Stalkers are dealt with and Morgan and Strand discuss finding Alicia, we can see Strand’s lips go from blue back to their normal color, a visual indication of the poison working its way out of his system.
16) After sending Morgan away, Strand has the portrait retrieved from the walker moat, and despite being torn and stained with walker blood, Strand finds himself admiring the “improvements” to it. He now feels like it does represent how he wants people to see him. This newfound admiration and belief in the portrait accurately depicting him feels like a reference to The Picture Of Dorian Gray, wherein the title character, while appearing constantly young and vigorous, has a portrait that depicts his true self as hideous and decrepit.
17) When talking to Morgan about the Stalkers who attacked the tower, Alicia says they’re not her people, “Not anymore.” This suggests that the Stalkers were, at one time, amongst the people with Alicia inside the bunker beneath the Franklin Hotel, meaning that they were members of Teddy Maddox’s cult.
18) Even though Strand calls the woman painting his portrait “Juliana” in the episode, in the credits, she’s simply referred to as “Artist.”
And that ends our installment of Things To Note for this week! Was there anything you missed? Was there anything I missed? Let me know! Suppose you like this and want to read more of my writings, specifically about surviving a zombie apocalypse; why not pick up a copy of my book, The Rules: A Guide To Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse! And you can get it from Amazon here and on iTunes here!