Fear the Walking Dead has aired its season seven midseason finale and although some of it had me rolling my eyes I enjoyed it overall. Seeing some of what Alicia endured since Teddy locked her in the bunker was information we needed. Strand and Alicia meeting again was another scene fans had been waiting on.

After the bomb, Strand and Howard made quick work of setting up a haven for survivors. The Tower is an ideal place because it is multistoried and is now surrounded by a moat of walkers to keep people out and keep them in. They also have water and food via a rooftop garden. It all seems to have been put together quickly but is serving its purpose.
Strand has become very particular on who he will allow entrance, much to Howard’s dismay. The duo has butted heads on this subject but in “The Portrait,” we saw Strand’s gut was spot on when he didn’t allow Arno to enter.
Fear the Walking Dead – Strand and Alicia
When Strand met Will in the first episode of this season they discovered they had a mutual friend, Alicia. Strand was hellbent on finding her as he considers her part of his family. This is something that was hard for him to admit as he doesn’t want something like love to get in the way of his plans.

Alicia is very important to Strand and caring about people can be a weakness when survival is on the line. After Morgan’s attempt to poison him Strand realizes he needs someone strong by his side running the tower. Alicia is the one who he knows could come by his side and make what he started even better.
When she confronts him about Will’s death he doesn’t try to deny that he was the one responsible. He says he did to hurt her and it would keep her away from the Tower while he built it how it needed to be. Then he goes on to tell her that Will confessed his love for her and that settled it for Alicia.
She then tells Strand that because of all he has taken from her she will be taking his precious tower. He says he won’t give it up without a fight and Alicia says “Then we’re going to war.”
Did anyone else get Katniss Everdeen vibes from Alicia in this scene?
Strand’s weakness is the fact that he feels Alicia is his family and the love and respect he has for her. Will this be the key to Strand’s undoing?
The back half of season seven of Fear the Walking Dead will see a battle between Strand and Alicia and I think things are about to get interesting.