Fear the Walking Dead: don’t act on dumb impulses
Strand’s present problems were born out of him making an impulsive decision and deciding that the best way to keep Alicia away from him was to kill someone she cared about. He wasn’t wrong — Alicia definitely didn’t want anything do to with him after finding out he’d done it — but, boy, did that backfire.
What makes this so bad is the fact that it was so avoidable. He didn’t need to kill Will. He could have just imprisoned him somewhere. It’s not like there wasn’t room in The Tower. Instead, Strand chucked Will off the roof and splattered him on the pavement below. Strand might have felt good at the moment for doing that, but, as we saw, that momentary gratification has put him in a position he does not want to be in.
This is the problem with being impulsive in a zombie apocalypse: A bad split-second decision, based on everything but rationality or logic, can cause you a mountain of issues further down the road. Often, our impulses aren’t always urging us towards smart actions. It’s often something very base (Like throwing a dude off your roof), which does more harm than good when done in a survival situation.