One Walking Dead character who has endured a massive heartbreak is Carol Peletier. Portrayed by Melissa McBride since season one, Carol has transformed from a timid abuse victim to a powerhouse you don’t want to mess with.

AMC aired the second to the last episode of The Walking Dead Origins with Carol’s Story this week. McBride served as narrator for Carol’s episode and gave us a deep dive into who this character is.
You can also view episodes of this series on AMC+. There are four characters highlighted; in addition to Carol, there are episodes for Daryl, Negan, and Maggie. This mini-series helps us remember and learn more about these notable characters from the series.
The Walking Dead Origins – Carol’s story
McBride takes us a walkthrough of Carol’s life since the outbreak. We get to look back to the moment when Carol started her journey to becoming who she is today. When Daryl handed her that pickax, she was able to take all her frustrations out on Ed’s corpse, and it not only showed us her first actual act of bravery but also created a bond with Daryl (Norman Reedus), who was also a victim of abuse.

Carol’s biological daughter Sophia and three adoptive children, Mika Samuels, Lizzie Samuels and Henry, brought joy to her life. She’s a nurturer, and these children need someone in their lives. But, sadly, all of her children have died, which has caused Carol to keep her distance from others. It’s hard to imagine what was worse, seeing Sophia reanimated, knowing Lizzie killed Mika, Carol having to kill Lizzie, or witnessing Henry’s head on a spike.
Frequently, Carol makes the tough choices and does things no one else could. This even got her banished from the prison, but that didn’t stop her from saving everyone at Terminus.
This episode breaks down Carol’s life and the character growth and heartbreak she has endured.
The Walking Dead season 11 – Carol Peletier
Carol carries the weight of Connie’s supposed death at the cave collapse in season 10. Magna, who was also trapped, returned, but she lost track of Connie. Viewers are privy to Connie’s survival, but no one else besides Virgil, who found, knew this fact.
In the final season, Carol has continued with her quest to do what is right for the community. She’s even tried to talk Aaron back from the dark path he is headed down.
The trailer for season 11B shows Carol at the Commonwealth donning an apron and working at the bakery where Yumiko’s brother Tomi works. Is this another one of Carol’s plays like she pulled off when they first arrived at Alexandria? Only time will tell.
The Walking Dead returns to AMC on February 20 and AMC+ on February 13.
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