The Walking Dead Survival Rule Of The Week: The Friends Who Aren’t
By Liam O'Leary
What They Don’t Know, Can’t Hurt You
Who’s “they”? “They” is whoever is out there hoping to feign friendship with you in the zombie apocalypse for their own gain, and then screw you when they don’t need you anymore, that’s who. We all know they’ll be out there, we just don’t know who they might be.
Now, I’m not saying you should be closed off to everyone around you — That’s only going to cause you different, but equally troublesome, problems — nor am I saying you should hold all of your actual friends or the actual friends you make in the apocalypse at arm’s length, either, but, what I am saying is that, should you have information that could be dangerous in the hands of an enemy, that you should try to keep that as far away from people you don’t trust absolutely as you can.
This level of secrecy doesn’t require talking in code or storing things away in some far off location, but simply not talking about whatever you don’t want them knowing about. Things like your fears, critical gaps in your knowledge, your anxieties, or issues you might have with other members of the group — All things an enemy could easily exploit — are things that you can simply not bring up, even in conversations which might veer in that direction, this way, if someone does turn out to be a snake in the grass, they know as little as possible.
Anything you don’t say can’t and won’t be used against you.