The Walking Dead World Beyond was the second spin-off series of The Walking Dead. This series was a limited run with only two seasons that built up the story of the Civic Republic Military.
World Beyond was an apocalypse coming-of-age story focused on the first generation to grow up after the outbreak. These young people grew up behind walls that protected them from the world around them. When they set out beyond those walls, it was a drastic learning curve in a world where you fight or die.
The first season was a lot of character build-up that many viewers thought was a slow storyline. But, any new series has to build up the characters to let you know who they are. But, during its second season, things really kicked up a notch.
The Walking Dead World Beyond season 2
The second season of World Beyond will be released on DVD and Blu-ray on March 8, but you can pre-order now.
The second season saw the cross-over of Jadis (Pollyanna McIntosh) from the flagship series. She was the last person in TWD world to see Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) alive. She escaped with him in a CRM helicopter, so it was no surprise that she is now part of that organization.
This series is supposed to set things up for the promised Walking Dead movies that will see Lincoln reprise his role as the fandom’s favorite hero.
Even if season one of World Beyond wasn’t your thing, be sure to check out season 2, as it is an interesting story with lots of action and a deeper look into the CRM.
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