The Walking Dead – No Other Way
6) Gabriel telling Mancea “I don’t believe that!” when the latter says to him “No one is above saving.” is interesting. I remember Maggie using that sort of sentiment that freed him of his guilt for abandoning his parishioners in the season five finale, “Conquer”.
7) The fact Aaron yells “Shit!” when the pipe he’s shimmying across breaks is ironic, considering it’s a sewage pipe.
8) Jenson is the seventeenth named character to die this season, and the thirteenth Reaper to die.
9) Boone is the eighteenth named character to die this season, and the fourteenth Reaper to die.
10) Washington is the nineteenth named character to die this season, and the fifteenth Reaper to die.
11) Carver is the twentieth named character to die this season, sixteenth Reaper to die thus far, and sixth Reaper to die in this episode.