The Walking Dead Commonwealth
9) According to Connie during her interview with Mercer, it’s been a month since Tyler Davis was arrested, putting this about twenty-seven days after the end of the previous episode and setting this episode at either November 30th or December 1st (Depending on whether Connie meant “From the end of one month to the end of the next” or exactly thirty days).
10) We also learn from Connie during her interview that Max, Governor Milton’s assistant, is Mercer’s sister.
11) While waiting outside Calhoun’s apartment with Princess, Eugene mentions how people thought it would all “blow over in a few weeks at the beginning of the outbreak.” Was this before or after Los Angeles fell? Was this after people learned the infected were cannibalistic? If so, that’s some crazy levels of optimism.
12) On the list of names Connie is sent at her apartment, going left-to-right, top-to-bottom, the third name is Kirk Riley, which is also the third-to-last name on the list. There certainly could be two people with that name in the Commonwealth, but it stands out that it’s the only name that repeats.
And that ends our installment of Things To Note for this week! Was there anything you missed? Was there anything I missed? Let me know! Suppose you like this and want to read more of my writings, specifically about surviving a zombie apocalypse; why not pick up a copy of my book, The Rules: A Guide To Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse! And you can get it from Amazon here and on iTunes here!