The Walking Dead season 11
The More You Have, The Less You’ll Need To Deal
Suppose you look at the communities’ situation in The Walking Dead. In that case, their need to work with the Commonwealth stems from the fact that the war with the Whisperers left them with practically nothing: Their walls were destroyed, food stores destroyed, crops ruined, and game all driven away. It’s then only logical to assume that, if they had all of these things, even if Eugene still made contact with the Commonwealth, they wouldn’t need to make a deal with them and instead have a relationship with that community. Much like the one Rick had initially been trying to build between the communities.
As it pertains to an actual zombie apocalypse, this whole thing translates into having as many resources available to you as you can possibly have. If you should face a dire situation, you have something for you and your group to fall back on. More importantly, have enough so that, should another group come along that you may not entirely trust, you can keep your group going without resorting to becoming obligated to people who, for all you know, may extract payment for things at gunpoint.
Now, obviously, having a lot could draw the attention of hostiles, so, you may find it prudent to store your supplies in a cellar or bunker or other hidden place that your enemies may overlook. Perhaps even in strategically located places so that, should you be driven from your base, you still have supplies to fall back on. It’s possible that wherever you’re located may not have such places to store your excess supplies, and, in such a case, you may be required to build such a storage area, but, if it saves you from having to make a proverbial “deal with The Devil” further down the road, whatever work you do will have been worth it.