The Walking Dead – Give and take
The People Who Can Give Everything TO You Can Also Take Everything FROM You.
The reason that Maggie didn’t trust the Commonwealth enough to form an alliance with them can be summed up by what she saw when a small herd of walkers breached Hilltop’s early warning system. While she, Elijah, Dianne, and others were trying to fight off the herd, Mercer gathered his troops and ordered them to cut down the walkers with rifle fire, which they did with brutal efficiency.
It wasn’t the fact that the Commonwealth soldiers killed the walkers that bothered Maggie, but rather, the realization that, with their massive numbers, top-of-the-line equipment, and legitimate military precision, the Commonwealth army could easily do the same to Hilltop, and not even break a sweat.
There’s something you need to realize when dealing with other people: If they have the power to give everything to you, it also means that they have the power to take everything from you. Far too often, when people have offers made to them, they focus only on the first part, the giving part, and either forget about the taking part, or don’t even realize it’s possible. They simply assume that the gifts they’ve received are “free”, not realizing that, even in a zombie apocalypse, nothing is for free, and everything has a price, even if that price isn’t obvious, or is hidden altogether. Inevitably, the people who made that deal with you will come to collect, and if they’re this powerful, by the time they come to collect, it may be too late to fight back.