The Walking Dead
All Deals Have Consequences, Both The Ones You Make, And The Ones You DON’T.
After Maggie chose not to ally Hilltop with the Commonwealth, Dianne and several others chose to leave (presumably to join Alexandria), recognizing how desperately Hilltop needed assistance after the war with the Whisperers. It wasn’t something they did lightly, but they did it because they believed that Maggie was making the wrong choice, a choice which Maggie herself wasn’t entirely certain about, but a choice she was sticking with.
The problem with dealing with other people or groups in the zombie apocalypse is that you know there will be fallout regardless of which decision you make. As Maggie saw, her decision not to make the deal resulted in several members of Hilltop losing confidence in her.
However, even when you do decide to make a deal, you have no guarantee that things won’t bite you because you decided to go with it.
Imagine for a minute, your group were to come across a group like the Saviors, offering protection in exchange for supplies, using force to ensure the supplies are procured. Now, imagine that a group like the Whisperers came into your area, practically forcing you to make a deal with the pseudo-Saviors, who, eventually, defeat the would-be Whisperers. What happens next?
Sure, your protectors may not be threat to you at the moment, but, how long can you go on being extorted, especially if, like the Saviors, their demands become ever larger, pushing your group to go off of the bare minimum, while giving everything else to your “protectors”? Not long, I would imagine.
But, what if you didn’t make a deal with them? And had to face a massive and immediately hostile group by yourselves? It’s not an easy choice to make.
The thing is, whichever choice you make, it will have consequences. You just need to be ready to deal with them.