Today is the final day of filming for the long-running series The Walking Dead. This series began airing on AMC on October 31, 2010, spawning a fandom that no one could have imagined. Social media is flooded with expressions of sadness, which is expected. But in your sorrow, don’t forget to celebrate the greatness.
TWD Family isn’t your average fan base. If you are part of this group, you know it is something extraordinary. This series has created a group of individuals who are closer than some biological families.
Think of all the people you have met, the events you have attended, the marriages, the spinoff series, and so much more that came from a tv show. Not to mention the amazing cast members who have starred in the series. Some that you had seen before and others you only discovered because of The Walking Dead.
The Walking Dead – final season
The series’ final episode is set to air in 2022, and yes, this will be devastating for everyone who has enjoyed this story for 12 years. But remember, we’ve been able to enjoy this series for 12 years, and not a lot of fans are able to say that of their favorite series. If you look at the longevity of tv shows, that is a huge milestone and is something to be celebrated.
As with any series, The Walking Dead has had its ups and downs, and your favorite may have been killed off, or the actor chose to leave, but overall it has had an excellent run, and there are several spinoffs in the works. I know there won’t be anything to match the opening scene of Rick Grimes walking towards the gas station and encountering the Teddy Bear walker for the first time, but these spinoffs can still be something extraordinary.
So, don’t lose heart, TWD Family will live on forever, and we will always be able to say we were there from the beginning. Sending lots of hugs across the fandom today.
Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.
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