In The Walking Dead universe, Khary Payton is known as King Ezekiel, but in the DC universe, he is known as Kaldur from Young Justice. He took to social media to share exciting news about achieving his first writing credit for episode 417, “Leviathan Wakes,” of the second half of the fourth season, Young Justice: Phantoms.
Payton writes and stars in said episode that will air on HBO Max on April 7. Young Justice is an animated superhero series that is an original story within the DC universe. Brandon Vietti and Greg Weisman developed the series, which Payton gives shout-outs to in his post. He thanks them for the mentorship and opportunity.
Congrats to Khary Payton on this outstanding opportunity.
The Walking Dead – Khary Payton
In the final season of The Walking Dead, King Ezekiel has just received the life-saving surgery he needed to remove a large tumor from his neck. He uses his second chance at life to help others by setting up a secret clinic in his veterinary clinic. He has brought Carol (Melissa McBride), Dr. Tomi (Ian Anthony Dale) and Theo (Nicholas Velez) into his new project, where they recently completed an emergency appendectomy.
In the episode titled “Trust,” Ezekiel and Carol had a wonderful heart-to-heart talk, and it seems that they are finally able to be friends once again. Since losing Henry (Matt Lintz) and breaking off their marriage, the pair have had to deal with their losses in their own ways. Now, they are truly friends again, and although they love one another dearly, it seems that a friendship is as far as they will allow things to go.
As more underhanded things are revealed at the Commonwealth, what side will Ezekiel land on? Will he side with a community that gave him his second chance with a life-saving surgery? Or will he side with Carol, who pulled the strings to make it happen?
The Walking Dead has nine episodes remaining in the last season of the series. The midseason premiere will air on AMC on Sunday, April 10. The final eight episodes will air in the fall of 2022.
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