In The Walking Dead series, Jason Kirkpatrick portrayed one of the Highwaymen named Alek. After leaving the series, he has had many memorable roles and has been cast in a new film titled Erzulie, set to release in June 2022.
Alek and his group, The Highwaymen, were a rough, aggressive bunch of 22 survivors who would prey upon travelers. They tried to keep the peace by sending letters with their demands rather than brute force. However, they beat up Jerry (Cooper Andrews) when they ambushed him.
Eventually, they made a deal with the Kingdom and seemed to put aside their outlaw ways. In the episode “The Calm Before,” The Highwaymen came upon a group being held prisoner by Alpha (Samantha Morton) and her Whisperers and fought to save the captives. Sadly, two of the Highwaymen, Kirkpatrick’s Alek and Ozzy (Angus Sampson), would be among Alpha’s pike victims by the end of the episode.
Jason Kirkpatrick cast in a new role
Kirkpatrick has shared his excitement on social media about a new role. He will play a character named Rhett in a new film called Erzulie. He plays a villain determined to capture a mythical swamp mermaid named Erzulie.
The movie tells the story of four best friends who head off to a “Redneck Resort” to reconnect and unwind. They are all experiencing some troubles in their lives and decide to summon a legendary goddess, Erzulie, who is said to bestow favor on women in need.
Be sure to check out the film’s website: Erzulie
There you will be able to sign up to reserve your spot for presale.
You can learn more about the cast members Courtney Oliviér, Diana Rose, Elizabeth Trieu, Zoe Graham and Erzulie herself, Leila Anastasia Scott.
The movie also has a podcast, and there are many events scheduled during May. The events are special screenings of the movie, and you might get to meet the cast.
Congrats to Jason Kirkpatrick on his new role in what sounds like an entertaining movie!
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