The Walking Dead season 11 episode 16
This week’s episode of The Walking Dead was titled “Acts Of God,” which was quite apt, considering the fact that so many of the events that played out were dependent on things that the characters couldn’t control: A swarm of locusts, the willingness of a jerk to be observant, whether or not a squad of soldiers could beat three men (Only one of which was armed to begin with), and whether or not a third party knew where someone else might go.
What make this so much better is that, last week, I had concluded my lesson with the acknowledgement that, in a zombie apocalypse, we have to operate a little bit on faith because we don’t know if things are going to go the way we expect.
For this week’s The Walking Dead, Survival Rule Of The Week, I will carry over this idea to include control, something we all want in an apocalypse but don’t completely have. We can control some things but can never control everything in the apocalypse.
This doesn’t mean we just throw our hands up and give up on trying to be ready for what comes, but we need to accept that these things are there, and sometimes, the only thing we can do is try to be as ready for what may come as possible.