The Walking Dead is notorious for leaving viewers hanging with missing characters. So many have disappeared from the story never to be seen again. Creators have commented that this or that character is alive and well and living here or there in an interview but never give the character justice to see their story played out on screen. Now, Luke, portrayed by Dan Fogler, is another character who appears to have been given the same treatment.
In the midseason finale episode of The Walking Dead, “Acts of God,” Deputy Governor of the Commonwealth Lance Hornsby (Josh Hamilton) was seen at the community of Oceanside. He was flipping his treasured coin to decide the fate of the residents there as they were being coraled. Luke and his girlfriend Jules (Alex Sgambati) weren’t among the group.
This might not be a huge deal if Fogler hadn’t recently revealed at Fandemic Tour in Atlanta that Luke and Jules are “at Oceanside, just living it up on the beach there, having a good time.”
The Walking Dead – Luke
Luke hasn’t been seen on the series since the season 10 episode “A Certain Doom.” After the Whisperer War, the residents of Oceanside were to have returned to their community along with some of the Hilltop residents. This was then confirmed by Fogler’s comment at Fandemic, which pleased his fans to know that Luke was happily settled with Jules.

Viewers have seen nothing of Oceanside until Governor Pamela Milton’s (Laila Robins) recent visit. Rachel (Avianna Mynhier) has taken over as leader of the community and declines the Commonwealth’s offer to aid in honoring their agreement with Maggie (Lauren Cohen) at Hilltop. This displeases Hornsby, and the result is seen in the midseason finale as he takes over all the communities and is last seen flipping a coin to determine if the people of Oceanside will live or die.
Where is Luke? And, Jules, for that matter?
Will viewers ever get an explanation for their absence? Or will they just go down with the likes of Eduardo, Kal and the many others whose whereabouts were never truly explained?
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