Fear the Walking Dead is a spinoff of The Walking Dead series. The spinoff began airing in August 2015 and is currently airing episodes in its seventh season. This series began in Los Angeles, then the survivors traveled to Mexico, and the current timeline takes place in Texas. Is this the final season of Fear TWD?
Fear the Walking Dead began at the outbreak’s start and is quite different from the flagship series. Many fans of TWD also enjoy this series, but many viewers prefer one series over the other.
This series began with Madison, Nick and Alicia Clark, and Madison’s husband, Travis Manwa and his son Chris. They met people along the way, including Victor Strand, Daniel Salazar and Luciana Galvez. In the current story, only Alica, Victor, Daniel and Luciana survive with Madison, who was thought dead, ready to make her return in season 7.
Fear the Walking Dead – season 8
Fear the Walking Dead has been renewed for an eighth season with no announcement if this will be the final of the series. In November 2021, it was announced that filming for season 8 would be moved from Austin, Texas, to Savannah, Georgia, because of tax incentives. The flagship series has always been filmed in Georgia, so this is a smart move.
The seventh season began after a nuclear explosion, and the survivors added nuclear fallout to the list of threats. Many fans have questioned why the survivors don’t move away from the area; a clear answer is never given other than some have attempted, but the radiation seems to encircle them.
Victor Strand inhabits the only safe place within a close distance, the Tower, which has incited a war between his group and Alicia’s group. As everyone chooses sides, the battle is brewing and it will be exciting to see how things end up.
Madison’s return is coming soon as this season only has four remaining episodes. The hope is that viewers will get an explanation of where she has been all these years. She will return in season 8 as a regular cast member once again.
Filming for the eighth season of Fear the Walking Dead has yet to be officially announced but is expected to begin in June or July 2022.
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